Roughly 80 percent of the population will have low back pain at some point in life. It is one of the top reasons people seek acupuncture.
The majority of episodes of acute back pain are due to a muscular strain and these will usually resolve with time. While there is no definitive way to resolve lower back pain quickly, the use of acupuncture to treat this condition has increased dramatically in the past few decades as people have found it to be a reliable method of pain relief.
Acupuncture assists with the recovery process as it promotes good blood supply, transporting the necessary nutrients and proteins for healing to take place.
It can also help with back pain by:
- providing pain relief
- providing a more cost-effective treatment over a longer period of time
- reducing inflammation
- improving stiff muscles and joint mobility – by increasing local microcirculation which supports the dispersal of inflammation and bruising.
- reducing the use of potentially dangerous medication
- aiding conventional treatments, such as rehabilitation exercises
I suffer from a herniated disc myself and am not unfamiliar with back pain. When it strikes I find that acupuncture and rest are the two most important things for me to regain my strength, composure and resume life with the same vigor and energy as before. Another thing that assists me with recovery is an exercise such as swimming, which can strengthen back and core muscles. An advantage to exercising in a pool is that the buoyancy of the water takes stress off the joints. Sessions in the pool always provide me with improved strength and increased mobility. Consistent Acupuncture sessions will also speed recovery and will promote less episodes of sleep disturbance. Specific stretches may also help. I can talk you through some of those when you visit the clinic.
A recent study confirmed that there were meaningful changes observed in Acupuncture patients who received treatment for their lower back pain. Analysis of the patients pain journals revealed “significant” differences between acupuncture and placebo patients at the one-, three- and six-month intervals following treatment, all of which favored acupuncture as a more effective form of pain relief
There is nothing more debilitating than lower back pain. Do something meaningful now and book a session at Essential Acupuncture Clinic.
I look forward to seeing you there.