Acupuncture is well received in Australia but what does acupuncture cost?
Eighty five percent of GP`s surveyed considered acupuncture to be safe and effective for primary care. The referral rate is as high as 80% in some Australian cities. People are also having more consistent treatments as the overall acupuncture cost is lower than any comparable medical treatment. In the last few years, multidisciplinary clinics have become popular, where acupuncturists work with medical doctors, physiotherapists, chiropractors, and osteopaths. Acupuncture is yet to be introduced in hospitals as one of the routine interventions yet it is my opinion that this will happen soon. According to a 2013 study, the use of acupuncture in Australian hospitals is highly feasible.
An interesting study on acupuncture in Australia.
At Essential Acupuncture Clinic, acupuncture cost $60 with the initial consultation being slightly more as it is a substantial session, if done well. This includes the diagnosis and treatment. Anything outside of the normal treatment, such as herbs, will incur an extra cost. We often provide discounted rates for students and pensioners. We are keen to keep the acupuncture cost down wherever possible. The number of treatments that you will need is determined at the initial session, and will depend on the severity of your condition.
Hip replacement is the second most common joint replacement surgery after knee replacement surgery. A recent clinical investigation concluded that Acupuncture reduces the pain and complications caused by total hip replacement surgery. In addition, the research concludes that acupuncture improves the clinical outcome of the surgery by improving hip joint function. This is great news but the cost for elective surgery is extremely high and surgery has a high incident of treatment failure or serious adverse events. A comparison of surgery’s effects and continued medical treatment with acupuncture is currently being undertaken as the acupuncture cost is significantly lower than the surgical alternative.
Acupuncture cost are low but how does Australia compare to the rest of the world?
The early introduction of acupuncture education into universities, national registration, and full access to all private health insurance funds put Australia in a leading position among Western countries with respect to acupuncture services and acupuncture cost. Acupuncture research is becoming stronger. With enhanced research capacities and quality graduates, Australia is likely to continue its leading role in acupuncture practice among Western countries in the next decade. The acupuncture cost in Australia is also lower than other comparable countries. We are really very lucky.
Call to arrange your next session at Essential Acupuncture Clinic.