Acupuncture for neck pain
To seek Acupuncture for neck pain you would be like many people nowadays who are suffering from neck and shoulder pain. Neck pain is a subjective symptom. It can occur for various reasons. Typical causes may be lifestyle changes, stress, over exercise or strain and sprain. In this article, I am only discussing neck pain as the predominant symptom.
Some people suffer very acute neck pain, usually with motor impairment, where the neck is very stiff. This is called stiff neck or torticollis and is often due to a poor sleeping position. You often wake to find you have a very painful or locked neck in the morning and seek acupuncture for neck pain. This type of neck pain is very common in clinical practice. Some neck pain lasts for a few days whereas the others last for up a few weeks or even years. It can really affect one’s quality of life and ability to work. Frequent attacks of this type of neck pain may also be the pre-symptoms of cervical spondylosis (chronic neck issue).
Julie’s acupuncture for neck pain
Acupuncture treatment has been used for neck pain for thousands of year and is still used as a non-invasive and essential treatment today. Many new acupuncture methods have been introduced and used in recent years such as trigger-point acupuncture and tender-point acupuncture. However some studies reported that these new methods are only have short-term effects compared with traditional acupuncture method. Traditional acupuncture therapy is based on the classical theory- Huangdi Neijing of Chinese Medicine.
Julie studied and trained at Yunnan University and Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine where only classical Chinese Medicine is endorsed in terms of teaching and practice. At Essential Acupuncture Clinic, acupuncture for next pain is a common reason for a client’s first visit. Julie will firstly identify the cause of your neck pain. Apart from a poor sleeping position, other exogenous factors such as wind or cold invasion can obstruct Qi and Blood in different meridians. Secondly, We target the affected meridians where the pains reside. The aim is to target the right meridian and the related organ meridian to achieve the maximum results. Therefore an individual treatment plan is designed depending on your individual ailment. Thirdly, six to twelve acupuncture acupoints based on the classical Chinese Medicine theory are chosen.
More acupoints are considered if the patient has other health issues; in this case, it will be regarded as complimentary service which means only one session fee is charged even if you have multiple health issues.
Call Julie now to make an appointment! 0430 886 998
The benefits of acupuncture for neck pain
A study of acupuncture for neck pain held in Germany where 14,161 patients with neck pain for over six months had been chosen to do the trial research. The investigation showed that the effectiveness of acupuncture for neck pain in terms of treating people with neck pain and the treatment success was essentially maintained throughout the six months trial. Patients who received acupuncture had made improvements in neck pain and disability compared with treatment with routine care.
At Essential Acupuncture Clinic your health is my concern. I will take great care of your general health. Please bring your relevant health check information with you (CT scans, ultrasound or X-rays) with you for initial appointment.
How many sessions of acupuncture for neck pain are required?
Acupuncture is not magical. The number of treatments depends on how long you have been suffering and also how severe the pain is. It sometimes takes years to form your chronic health issues; in that case a minimum of six treatments to start with is essential to relieving your chronic aching and pain. Further treatments will be discussed at your reassessment after your six treatments. Likewise, you may need less sessions if you respond to acupuncture quicker and if your condition is acute.
Call now to make your appointment today!
0430 886 998
Acupuncture for neck pain- cervical spondylosis
Cervical spondylosis (CS) is not counter-strike game but rather a cervical vertebral syndrome. It refers to a combination of pathogenic changes such as herniating cervical disks, osseous hyperplasia (osteophytes) and thickening of cervical ligament. Many people suffering from these have headaches, facial pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, arm pain and chest pain. You may not be able to drive due to one’s ability to turn your head freely to look at the rear view mirror! It’s chronic and it needs intensive care when having acupuncture treatment.
Call Julie now to have an individually designed treatment today!
0430 886 998