Hay fever Acupuncture
Spring is here, hay fever sufferers may start to experience watery and itchy eyes, a blocked nose and sneezing. According to experts, the pollen index in Adelaide will be high this week. If you suffer from hay fever Acupuncture can provide not just temporary, but long-term relief. Having a BBQ in a national park or back yard, even just a short bush walk could make your symptoms worse.
For those of you who have had hay fever Acupuncture treatment and benefited can ignore my article below. However, for people who had used OTC drugs for hay fever, it is time to sit down have a cup of tea and continue reading.
Hay fever Acupuncture therapy had been used in China and parts of Asian countries for thousands of years. Scientists have done numerous researches to try to find out why and how acupuncture works for hay fever sufferers.
Recent research demonstrated ‘subjective and objective improvements’ for patients with hay fever. The mechanical reason behind is that acupuncture lowered the IgE (Immunoglobulin E) levels. The IgE is an antibody associated with allergy and hypersensitivity level. The researchers concluded- “This result showed strong and consistent evidence that acupuncture treatment leads to favourable responses in immunologic outcomes, which have been shown to be helpful in trials of proven therapeutic modalities, such as allergen-specific immunotherapy.” The result had been published in a highly praised journal- American Journal of Rhinology & Allergy. This research collected 174 randomized controlled hay fever studies. 2,365 patients have been chosen as the final and total sample size for the meta-analysis. In other words, this research conducted is “multicentre, randomized, parallel-controlled trials with high quality.” At the end, the research concluded “Our meta-analysis showed that the acupuncture group has superior effect in reduction of both rhinitis symptoms and the requirement for antiallergic medication compared with the control group.”
The WebMD had also reported a study of 422 people with hay fever. The study found out that for people who assigned to a dozen acupuncture sessions had greater symptom improvements than patients who did not have acupuncture treatments.
Hay fever Acupuncture treatment is not just temporary but rather long-term relief. Lishui Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine researchers found out that acupuncture provides an 86.7% long-term effective rate with a comparison of a 56.7% long-term effective rate with the anti-histamine users. They therefore concluded “The acupuncture at three nasal points and the acupoints selected by syndrome differentiation achieves the similar short-term efficacy on perennial allergic rhinitis as compared with the oral administration of loratadine. The acupuncture therapy presents the obvious advantages on long-term efficacy.”
At Essential Acupuncture Clinic, Julie uses traditional acupuncture for hay fever Acupuncture. The aim is to identify the root problem and most importantly considering each client’s individual situation. Acupuncture hay fever acupoints including Yingxiang, bitong, cuanzhu, sibai, yingtang etc. One may suffer from severe sneezing, one may suffer from ear discomfort and one may suffer from itchy eyes. The optimal results for hay fever can be achieved by matching the exact acupuncture points.
Call Julie today to make an appointment: 0430 886 998
Hay fever Acupuncture treatment usually starts with a course of acupuncture treatment. Each course consists 10 treatments. Acupuncture should be applied once every second day to start with. In theory, a total of three courses (30 treatments) with one week break in between each course. However, clinically, many of my patients got better within one course of treatment. Prolonged treatments usually contribute to longer and lasting effect.
Apart from acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine has also been applied for hay fever treatment. Herbs like xingyihua, fangfeng, huangqi, baizhu and many others are used for making herbal soup. For people who cannot stand for acupuncture may consider having individual made soup. Herbal soup consisting of different herbs depending on each patient’s individual case. Formulated herbal pills are also available for certain type of hay fever treatment. The researchers at Lishui concluded that acupuncture combined with herbs has significant effectiveness than using only acupuncture or herbs along. Other studies also demonstrated that acupuncture and herbs are efficacious for hay fever treatment.
At Essential Acupuncture Clinic, Julie will give you a thorough consultion, following with a detailed treatment plan. Your overall health concern will be looked after in this personalised treatment plan. The aim is to achieve the maximum results with less needles and money. The quality of life scores arises in terms of sleep, eye related symptoms, nasal symptoms and emotional well-being.
Call Julie today to make an appointment: 0430 886 998