Acupuncture for back pain. Nowadays, people are becoming more aware of alternative treatments. They are seeking pain relief options that do not include harmful medications or damaging physical interventions. Acupuncture has therefore soared to the top of many people’s treatment strategies.
An interesting article on Acupuncture for back pain
It is one of the most common conditions I treat at my clinic. What is often noticeable is that patients choose Acupuncture for back pain as a “last resort” treatment decision. They have often tried more conventional (and unsuccessful) methods before trying Acupuncture for back pain. At times they have previously had poor treatment from Physios who claim they can perform acupuncture but have not the experience or sufficient training. They are actually not registered Acupuncturists. This only hinders a person who then makes a poor judgement about a treatment based on their underwhelming experiences
I am proud to say that I am registered and that my Qualifications and experience are impeccable. As a health provider, I have a degree in Acupuncture/ Chinese Medicine achieved after 5000 hours of training in China. I have extensive clinical experience, including a residency in a Chinese medicine hospital and an apprenticeship with a famous Chinese medicine doctor who specialised in Acupuncture for back pain. My clinical experience in Australia has broadened my knowledge and ability to understand and communicate with local people and to bring them the skills and knowledge of thousands of years of medical practice.
Research has revealed that millions of Australians are wasting their money on medications, which increase the risk of other health issues and offer “very limited” short-term pain relief.
Acupuncture for back pain is effective, and when combined with good lifestyle habits can improve your quality of life immensely.
Visit my contact page for the phone number and call me to make an appointment.
I look forward to seeing you soon.
Dr. Julie Zhu