Hormone imbalance
Many people use acupuncture for hormone imbalance. Hormonal imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream and it is very natural that you will experience natural periods of imbalance or fluctuations at various points in your life.
Hormones are special chemical messengers in the body that are created in the endocrine glands and transported in the blood to target cells that contain the appropriate receptors. They are important for regulating most major bodily processes and help your body function properly. Because of the fundamentally important role they play in the body, even small hormonal imbalances can cause side effects. Our body balances our hormones precisely to keep everything flowing smoothly. When the hormone balance is offset, the body must compromise and make do with what it has.
Hormone imbalance in both sexes are not uncommon but are more often associated with women’s health. Although fluctuations can be a natural occurrence, long-term imbalances are not. Continuing Imbalances are typically caused by stress and anxiety,poor diet, environmental toxins, medications, other health issues, or toxins in the body. Acupuncture can be used to minimise the fluctuations and is a natural method of restoring balance to the hormones.
Many of my clients who receive acupuncture for hormone imbalance are women. As the fairer, smarter, more beautiful sex we are affected by dramatic fluctuations in hormone levels during pregnancy, period cycles and menopause. Some signals that your hormones are imbalanced would be if you are suffering from acne, irregular periods, mood swings and ongoing fatigue. People may also experience sexual dysfunction or infertility issues when they are getting older
Hormonal Acne is Often Caused by Sensitivity to Androgens which oversees testosterone in the body. Men and women both produce testosterone and both of us need it, but women are often sensitive to surplus testosterone in their bodies. That additional testosterone doesn`t just hang around though, it is in circulation—it must go somewhere. The skin has androgen receptor cells. This is where excess testosterone often goes to be expelled. And the skin gets rid of it