Sports injuries are common, and vary from minor toe injuries to major complex trauma. The experience of significant pains, whether from an injury, illness, or a repetitive exercise is also common and one of the most customary reasons for visits to my clinic. Pain is a warning signal that your body is out of balance and requires treatment.
The use of acupuncture for the treatment of injuries is not new. Its clinical efficiency and potential however, have only recently been fully established. The available evidence supports the effectiveness of acupuncture for treating sports injuries and suggests that it is more efficient than conventional approaches to sports injuries such as rest, ice, compression, elevation and anti-inflammatory drugs.
The aims of acupuncture are to manage pain, control inflammation, quicken the resolution of clotted blood within the tissues, and accelerate repair. Also, there should be restoration of function and recovery of muscle capacity.
The frequency and duration of treatments will depend on many factors. A plan that suits your individual needs will be determined during your initial consultation.